Sham operation group and osteoporosis model group received normal feeding. 假手术组和骨质疏松模型组正常饲养。
The vago-insulin system& ⅱ. the effect of distention of stomach on the reflex secretion of insulin after sham feeding 迷走神经&胰岛素系统Ⅱ.机械地扩张胃对于假饲所引起的胰岛素反射性分泌的影响
This work was done on six esophageal fistula dogs to observe the effect of sham feeding upon sugar tolerance. 本工作用具有食道瘘的狗,观察假饲对糖耐量的影响并分析其机制。
The vago-insulin system ⅲ. the effect of sham feeding upon sugar tolerance and its mechanism 迷走神经&胰岛素系统Ⅲ.假饲对糖耐量的影响及其机制